Sarkom - Anti-Cosmic Art (CD)
Ulvehyrde - Englemakersken (Digipak CD)
Ulvhedner - Fjosmetall (Cassette)
Moonlight Sorcery - Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle (CD)
Nachash - Counjuring the Red Death Eclipse (CD)
Abruptum - Evil Genius (CD)
Kvaen - The Great Below (CD)
Theotoxin - Fragment : Erhabenheit (LP)
Theotoxin - Fragment : Totenruhe (CD)
Moonlight Sorcery - Piercing Through The Frozen Eternity (White Vinyl EP)
Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter (Black Vinyl)
Vreid - Solverv (CD)
Infinity - Hybris (2LP)
Mistur - In Memoriam (2LP)
In Aphelion - Luciferian (Vinyl EP)
Svederna - Härd (CD)